Saturday, February 12, 2011

Boise Personal Injury Lawyers Role in a Personal Injury Case

The role a Boise personal injury attorney plays in any personal injury case depends upon the case and the facts of each case.  Cases vary by the type of accident injury.  For example, a slip and fall case generally involves falling, slipping or tripping in a public place.   You might slip and fall on water in an improperly cleaned bathroom, or water in the middle of the produce isle, or slip and fall on the classic banana peel.  This type of premise liability is different from going to a hotel and having a swimming pool accident or a an accident involving the ferris wheel at the local county fair.  Attorneys will tell you there are different facts for each type of case.  Lawyers will tell you that there is different elements which need to be proved. 

As a Boise personal injury lawyer I can tell you cases also differ by the type of injury incurred.  For example, you may suffer whiplash, a spinal injury, a head injury, broken bones, bruises, back or neck injuries and the like.  The evidence used by lawyers to prove the various types of injuries depends upon the severity, the length of treatment, the type of treatment and the like.

In addition to this, Idaho has very specific rules that apply to personal injury in Idaho.  A Boise personal injury lawyer knows this law and knows how to apply it to your case.

If you have been injured and need to speak to a personal injury lawyer in Boise or you want the advice of a Boise personal injury attorney, please call (208) 472-2383

1 comment:

  1. This is good to know. When I have a need for a Boise personal injury lawyer I will have to consider him. The last place I lived in I got in an accident and I didn't really know what to do.
